The best concert ever!

Photo of that day taken by me
Hi everyone, in this instance I will talk about the best concert that I've ever been to. It wasn’t an easy decision, but in the end I chose the concert of one of my favorite bands “Years and Years” that I went to at the beginning of 2019. 

I really liked this concert, because in contrast with other concerts I‘ve been to, this was in the Teletón Theatre of Santiago, a place much smaller compared to the National Stadium or the Movistar Arena. So, the atmosphere was way friendlier, you could see how all the people enjoyed the music, they could see well and were comfortable. Besides, I was lucky enough to be in the front row, literally one or two meters away from the stage, so I could see the vocalist and the other members of the band very closely and, I don't know, it was fantastic. 

Also, I went to this concert with Emilia, one of my best friends. We had been waiting a long time for the band to come to Chile, because being a small and not so famous band meant it was difficult for them to perform in Chile, but in the end they did come and it was an incredible experience.


  1. How wonderful that you can be so close to one of your favorite bands...
    I don't know that band very much, but I remember that they have a song, called "Desirte" that appers in a Zack Efron movie that I like a lot

  2. Nothing better than being able to see your idols so close! Out of curiosity, I looked for the band and I think I'll keep listening to it a little longer...

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Concerts in a small place are the best, you can see and listen so great. I don't know this band but I will listening its songs.

  5. I don't know the band, but it must be great to get the chance to see one of your favorite bands up close.

  6. From the photo I see that you were close, great!

  7. Wow you were so close to the band, honestly, I don't know the band so I searched it on youtube, and sounds like electro music.

  8. must be incredible to feel so close to the stage!!! also, living that kind of musical experiences with a friend always makes it even better!

  9. How I would have liked to have known Justin Bieber more closely heheheh

  10. wow, you were so lucky to have your favorite band so close to you!

  11. I can't believe I didn't know them, and I'm very happy for you that they could perform a concert in Chile. c:


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