My future job

Hi everyone, this topic about my future job has helped me redefine my values and take a look at my career aims. 

Obviously, I see myself working in the public system and I like that because that is why I am studying public administration. More specifically I would like to work in a decentralized public service in my region of origin and dealing with issues related to childhood, social development or gender concerns. In this sense, I would like to specialize in public policy management. 

I imagine a job where I can relate to people and have direct contact with their needs. In general, the public administration offers indoor works and that makes me think of the traditional bureaucratic model, but I hope to be able to connect more with the communities and mobilize a little more. 

The other day, talking to some friends, they told me about “Servicio País”, which is a program where you must serve in various cities in the country in order to eliminate territorial gaps and support the most vulnerable communities. It’s very interesting and seems like a great experience. 

Finally, about the salary, I would like to earn enough money to have a good quality of life.


  1. I wish you much success in your future plans, the management of public policies is very interesting !

  2. There a lot of things to do and improve in local governments, I don't know about "Servicio País" but sounds like a great experience

  3. A job that relates to people is great. For me it would be boring not to have contact with people. Best of all, it is for the common good of all.

  4. I support working in a decentralized public service.

  5. I hope that in the future you will be able to help as many people as possible, and that in the public service where you work you will feel very comfortable


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